Recite With Us

About Us

Our Tutors

Our Vision

Recite With Us are here to help you build your confidence in reading the Qur’an. It is evident that knowledge and education is one of the primary solutions to many of today’s struggles faced by the Ummah.

Your learning can help achieve the long-term solutions which will not only benefit your generation, but your grandchildren’s too!

About Recite With Us

I started the Recite With Us institute in 2020 to provide an easy and clear structure on how to perfect your recitation of the Qur’an online, while giving you that “Aha” moment along the way!

I had to travel around 40 minutes to find my nearest English speaking Qari. I then made it my goal to learn and teach the Qur’an so that we can produce teachers in every city, so knowledge can be made more accessible to those seeking it.

About Qari Armaan

 Qari Armaan

It is my ultimate goal to benefit the Ummah by helping others to recite Qur’an correctly and to produce teachers that can benefit many more generations to come. 

  • 2013 – BSC Hons in Biomedical Sciences at King’s College London University.
  • 2014 – Started studying different sciences of Islam to gain an overall knowledge of the religion.
  • 2017-current – Studied Maqamat with Qari Idrees Ally (
  • 2018 – Specialised in the recitation of the Qur’an (Tajweed) with Qariah Saima Yacoob (
  • 2020 – Qualified for an Ijazah in Hafs and the relevant books, as well as Qaloon from Ustadh Yusuf Osama Yusuf from Al-Azhar University, Egypt.
  • 2020 – Initiated the Recite With Us institute to help reach out to anyone with a passion to learn.
  • 2020 – Founded the Akram Aid charity organisation.
  • 2021- Completed the `Ashara Sughra with Qari Luqman Mohammed (  
  • 2022 – Completed the `Ashara Kubra with Sh. Uthman Khan (

Our Goals

We aim to help all of our students:

  • Gain proficiency in reciting the Qur’an
  • Build self-confidence
  • Build critical thinking skills
  • Build a connection with the Qur’an, enjoy it and then love it!
  • Qualify advanced students to become the best teachers