Recite With Us


Qirā’āt 101


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Qirā’āt 101 Course

Creating the safe bridge between Tajweed & Qirā’āt.

Have you…

studied Tajweed and want to move on to the next level but not sure about studying Qirā’āt?
never heard that the Qur’ān can be recited in many different ways?

By the end you will…

receive the Qirā’āt 101 workbook FREE and earn Ijazah in it.
learn who the 10 Qurra (reciters) are.
learn what differences exist between different readings.
find out for sure if you want to pursue Qirā’āt (InshāAllah yes!) .
recite in all 10 Qirā’āt.

If you want these, then this course is for you!


Why this course was created?

Qari Armaan set up the Qirā’āt 101 course for free during Ramadan 2021 in an effort to introduce the everyday Muslim to Qirā’āt. It was run as a 15 minute class, everyday. Alḥamdulillāh, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and so the Qirā’āt 101 course was expanded on and made into weekly lessons instead.
An astonishing number of Muslims have no idea there are different ways to recite the Qur’ān and this course was set up as an introductory course. The other reason was to bridge the gap between Tajweed & Qirā’āt.

“OK, I have studied a lot of Tajweed and can recite pretty well, do I really want to spend so much money on learning the Qirā’āt?”

Tajweed is a branch of Qirā’āt. If you haven’t studied Qirā’āt, you will not be able to fully appreciate Tajweed.
For those who have learnt Tajweed and are looking for that next step but aren’t sure if the Qirā’āt are for you or would like to ease your way in, Qirā’āt 101 is for you!

Course Details

Weekly live online class via Zoom, from 8pm (UK)

Start Date: Monday 5th May 2025
End Date: Monday 4th August 2025
Exam: Exam questions will be asked in person and reading of some Qur’ān is required (all via Zoom, 1-1).

N.B. Ijāzāt will be issued by Qari Armaan at his discretion. Passing exams does not guarantee Ijāzāt will be awarded.